Benutzungs Bedingungen Back to home page

Hi, Welcome to the Terms of use of the Leafrinari Clan website.


The rules of the Leafrinari Clan Discrod Server fully apply to this website.These are the following:

§1 Harassment of any type and unrespectful behaviour is strictly forbidden including sexism racisim threats and discrimination

§2 Personal data of any type is not to be displayed in this server without the persons consent

§3 Advertisements that are of non Server content are only allowed in self-promotion

§4 The obedience of @Owner/Leaders @Hammer Boi is obligating(They are allowed to abuse rights)

§5 The Sending of Links that led to a Viruses and Ip-grabbers are forbidden and will be punished with permanent bans

§6 NSFW is forbidden in names, nicknames and Profile Pictures. NSFW including messages are only allowed in nsfw

§7Spaming is only allowed in spam

§8 You are not allowed to sing without the consent of every person in the voicechat you are in except of course when you are muted or can't be heared

§9 If a Person with the role @Owner/Leaders or @Hammer Boi says @Dr. Chóros Fomboy Orgilis broke a rule no matter if he did or not he can be punished

§10 @Dr. Chóros Fomboy Orgilis is not allowed to disagree with @Owner/Leaders or @Hammer Boi


The Terms of use of the Offical Leafrinari Website are the following:

§1 You agree to your password being saved as hashesa and your username and e-mail is saved as normal text.

§2 Every message you send on this website will be saved and stored.

§3 The terms of use might be changed. Because wo do not have acces to comunicate the change to anyone(exept when your on the Leafrinari Clan discord Server) we can only disply them in the changelog for Security updates